Kovalchuk Vira Mykolaivna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management after Bohdan Stuparyk

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.


Personal informationPublicationsActivityContacts

Kovalchuk Vira Mykolaivna is assistant professor of Bohdan Stuparyk Pedagogical Department.

She was born in 1959. She graduated from the Vasyl Stefanyk Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute, specialty history and pedagogy. She worked as a teacher of social dysciplines in Burshtyn Vocational School №20, director of Burshtyn gymnasia, deputy chief of the general secondary education division in Education and Science Department of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration.

She graduated from postgraduate studies. In 2004 she defended disertation “The Pedagogical Views and Public-Educative Activity of M. Galuschinsky “.

Since 2003 Vira Kovalchuk works in the Vasyl Stefanyk Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute.

Subjects of teaching: “Pedagogy”. “Methods of social and educational work”, “Shkoloznavstvo”, “Basics of pedagogical skills”, “Modeling of the expert.”

Guidelines: “Pedagogical Practice in summer recreational facilities”, “Methods of social and educational work”.

Articles She published more than 40 articles in scientific journals, books, research notes.

Research Interests -pedagogical heritage of M. Galuschinsky, the formation of future teachers educational technology, management in education.


  1. 1. Shaposhnikova, I., Kovalchuk, V., Greskova, V., Buchkivska, G., & Porokhovskyi, Y. (2021). Modelando formas de desenvolvimento da criatividade dos alunos como caminho principal para seu desenvolvimento profissional. Laplage Em Revista, 7(3A), p. 32-43. https://doi.org/10.24115/S2446-6220202173A1362p.32-43Webof Science Q3
  2. Kovalchuk V.M. Modeling and professional skills of a teacher of higher education. Scientific Bulletin “Educational Horizons”. Volume 52 №1. 2021. P. 107-110.
  3. Kovalchuk V.M. Professional training of a teacher of a higher education institution for the development of a student’s creative competence in the educational process. Scientific Bulletin “Educational Horizons”. Volume 51 №2. 2020. P. 124-127.
  4. Savchuk B.P., Kovalchuk V.M. Formation of emotional intelligence as a competence of the future specialist: Problem statement. Scientific and pedagogical journal “Youth and the Market” №5 / 184. 2020. P. 41-44.
  5. Kovalchuk V.M. Pedagogical conditions of formation and development of creative personality // International scientific journal “Internauka”, Collection of scientific works, №15 (77). Volume 1, Kyiv. 2019. P. 45-49.
  6. Kovalchuk V.M. National education of children and youth by means of family pedagogy. “Horizons”, 2018. P. 119-121.
  7. Kovalchuk V.M. Educational activity and its connection with national traditions. Horizons, 2017. №2 (45), p. 119-122.
  8. Kovalchuk V.M. Anthropocentrism as a humanistically oriented approach to the formation of a new man Horizon. – 2014. – №2 (35) P. 47-49.
  9. Kovalchuk V.M. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative personality. The Horizons of Sciences. Method. Bulletin №2 (35), 2012. P. 47-49.
  10. Kovalchuk V.M. Problems and prospects of preparation of future teachers for educational work with children in summer children’s health establishments Horizons: Teaching method. bulletin – №1 (30). – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. P. 60-62.
  11. Kovalchuk V.M. The role of self-education in improving the pedagogical skills of mountain school teachers Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians / Scientific and Methodological Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. Issue 11. P. 32
  12. Kovalchuk V.M. Мplementation of pedagogical ideas of Mykhailo Halushchynsky in the administrative activity of Burshtyn gymnasium. Horizons. 2007. №1 (24) P. 35-37.


  1. Kovalchuk V.M. Formation and development of communication skills and abilities of a teacher of higher education institution. The Collection of scientific works. Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky. 2019. P. 70-73.
  2. Kovalchuk V.M. Scientific research activities of future high school teachers. The collection of scientific works. Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky. S. 287-289.
  3. Kovalchuk V.M. Interaction of teachers and parents in the process of personality development. Ivano-Frankivsk, P. 184-187.
  4. Kovalchuk V.M. Mykhailo Halushchynsky on the theoretical achievements of prominent cultural and educational figures of the past. Ivano-Frankivsk, P. 144-149.
  5. Kovalchuk V.M. Pedagogical culture of the teacher. Ivano-Frankivsk, P. 41-44.
  6. Kovalchuk V.M. National education of student youth by means folk pedagogy. Collection of scientific works, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky. 2016. P. 158-162.
  7. Kovalchuk V.M. Management of educational and upbringing activities of a secondary school. Collection of scientific works. Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky 2015. P. 268-271.


  1. Scientific and pedagogical practice. Methodical recommendations on the organization and carrying out of practice for students of the second (master’s) level of education. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2021.
  2. Kovalchuk V.M. Management of educational process in educational institutions. Methodical recommendations for independent work of students: textbook, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2020. 48 p.
  3. Kovalchuk V.M. Modeling of activity of the expert. Methodical recommendations for independent work of student educational and methodical manual. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2016. 50 p.
  4. Kovalchuk V.M. Pedagogy. Methodical recommendations for independent work of students. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2016. 50p.
  5. Kovalchuk V.М. Pedagogical skills. Methodical recommendations for independent work of students: educational and methodical manual. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2016. 48 p.
  6. Kovalchuk V.M. Methods of social and educational work in modern conditions, methodical recommendations for independent work of students: educational and methodical manual. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014.


Tel. (0342) 57-00-11

e-mail: virakovalchuk@pnu.edu.ua

ORCID –  http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1292-6500

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University