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Сandidate of Historical Sciences
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management after Bohdan Stuparyk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. |
Savchuk Boris Petrovich
Was born on October 14, 1962 in the city of Dubno, Rivne region.
Education: higher (Lutsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Lesya Ukrainka (now East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka), 1984; specialty – teacher of history and social studies of secondary school.
The topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “The role of public organizations in preparing young people for military service. 80s (on the materials of the western regions of Ukraine) “(1991)
Doctoral dissertation topic: “Ukrainian public organizations in the public life of Galicia (last third of the XIX century – late 30s of the XX century) (1999; specialty: 07.00.01 – History of Ukraine).
Academic title: Professor of the Department of Historiography and Source Studies (2002).
Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
Regional State Administration Award “Best Scientist of the Year”
Author of more than 200 scientific publications on the history of education and pedagogy; theories and practices of teaching and education; pedagogical comparative studies; ethnopedagogy; history of Galicia, Volhynia, Bukovina; ethnology, monuments, necropolises, other fields of knowledge. Among them are 11 personal monographs, 6 textbooks and manuals.
The main publications for 2015 – 2021.
Bilavych G., Savchuk B. Own to his own: economic nationalism in Western Ukraine (late nineteenth – early 40’s of the twentieth century.). Ivano-Frankivsk, 2020. 340 p.
Sections in monographs
Savchuk V. Rebirth of Plast in the dp camps. Plast Ukrainian Scouting, a Unique Story by Orest Subtelny. Toronto, 2016. R. 117-145.
Savchuk V. Plast in the usa, 1948–2000. Plast Ukrainian Scouting, a Unique Story by Orest Subtelny. Toronto, 2016. R. 155-220.
Savchuk B. Revival of Plast in DP camps. Layer. A unique history of the Ukrainian scout movement. Orest Subtelny and others. lane. from English V. Morozov. Toronto, 2019. pp. 117-145.
Savchuk B. Plast in the United States (1948-2000). Layer. A unique history of the Ukrainian scout movement. Orest Subtelny and others. lane. from English V. Morozov. Toronto, 2019. pp. 155-220.
Articles in scientometric publications:
- Savchuk BP, Bilavych GV The “Alphabet Wars” of 1830–1850s in Galicia in Contemporary Scientific Discourse. International History Journal. Rusyn. 2019.Vol. 56. S. 58-76. DOI: 10.17223 / 18572685/56/4 (Scopus Q1)
- Savchuk BP, Bilavich GV The phenomenon of “identity crisis” of the Ruthenians of Galicia in the Ukrainian and Russian discourse of the first half of the nineteenth century. Rusyn. 2020. № 59. C. 89–114. DOI: 10.17223 / 18572685/59/6 (Scopus Q1)
- Savchuk BP, Bilavich GV Burials of Russian soldiers in the Carpathians during the First World War. Rusyn. 2019. T. 58. C. 95-113. DOI: 10.17223 / 18572685/58/7 (Scopus Q1).
- Savchuk BP, Bilavich GV (2019). The problem of using the historical names of Galicia in the interwar period of the twentieth century. Rusyn, 57, 13-35. DOI: 10.17223 / 18572685/57/2 (Scopus Q1).
- Savchuk Borys P., Kondur Oksana S., Rozlutska Galyna M., Olena V. Kohanovska, Marianna V. Matishak Halyna V., Bilavych Formation of Cognitive Flexibility as a Basic Competence of the Future Teacher’s Multicultural Personality Space and Culture, India 2020, 8: 3: https://doi.org/10.20896/saci.v8i3.1016https://doi.org/10.20896/saci.v8i3.1016 (Scopus Q2).
- Bilavych H. V., Fedchyshyn N. O., Rozman I. I., Vysochan L. M., Savchuk B. P., Bahriy M. A., Kononenko I. V., Vysochan Z. Yu. National literature as a means of developing the general cultural competence of future specialists: personalistic context. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. 2020. Volume 24. Issue 8. 2020. PP. 13479-13489. https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR281340/28343/ (Scopus).
- Savchuk BP, Bilavich GV Formation of the Ruthenian education system of the Lemko region during the Second World War: scientific discourse. Rusyn. 2020. № 62. C. 115–143. DOI: 10.17223 / 18572685/62/7
- Savchuk BP, Bilavich GV The phenomenon of the sobriety movement in Bukovina and Khotyn district of the Bessarabian province in the second half of the XIX – early XX century: Euro-Atlantic, Ruthenian, Russian models. Rusyn. 2021. T. 63. S. 52-81. DOI: 10.17223 / 18572685/62/7
Web of Science
- Savchuk BP, Bilavych GV Necropolises of the Austro-Hungarian army in the Precarpathian region during World War I. East European Historical Bulletin. Drohobych, 2019. Issue. 11. S. 133-141. (Web of Science).
- Pantyuk M., Savchuk B. Cyrillic and latin alphabets in ukrainian discourse of Halychyna in the 30s of the XIXth – at the beginning of the XXth centuries. East Europe Historical Bulletin. 2019. No 13. P. 50–59. (Web of Science).
- Savchuk V., Pantyuk T., Kotenko R., Tkachivska I., Vysochan L., Pustovit N., Bilawicz J., Bilavych N. and Fedchyshyn N. The Usage of Coaching Technology in the Formation of Emotional Intelligence of Future Tourism Managers. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 2020. Vol.9 No.8. PP. 201-210. http://ijaep.com/Journal/vol.9.8.pdf (Web of Science impact factor).
- Bilavych H., Kondur O., Bahriy M., Oliyar M., Savchuk B., Fedchyshyn N., Humenuk I., Pantiuk M. Petrenko O. Reading as a Cultural Practice of Modern Students. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 2020. Vol.9 No.8. PP. 131-144. http://ijaep.com/Journal/vol.9.8.pdf (Web of Science impact factor).
- Bilavych H., Fedchyshyn N., Pantyuk T .; Oliyar M., Vlasii O. Savchuk V., Bilavych I. (2020). Creating Ecological Language Space for the Youngest Computer Users. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 2020. Vol. 9. No.4. P. 90-99. http://ijaep.com/Journal/vol.9.4.pdf (Web of Science impact factor).
- Savchuk V., Rozman I., Pustovit N. and others. Methods of biographical analysis in preparation of future teachers to study the students ’mental states. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 2021. Vol.10 No.2. PP. 201-210. http://ijaep.com/Journal/vol.9.8.pdf (Web of Science impact factor).
- Boris Savchuk V., Rozman I., Slyusarenko N., Pustovit H., Blahun N /, Feltsan I., Cherepania M., Fedchyshyn N., Bilavych H / Analyzing the Biographical Methods in Developing Prospective Teachers to Measure the Mental States of the Students. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science 2021, Volume 9, Issue 5, Page No: 93-97. P. 93-97.
Publications in professional domestic publications:
Savchuk B., Bilavych G. Development of continuing agricultural education in Galicia in the early twentieth century. Youth and the market. 2014. № 2. pp. 32–36.
Savchuk B., Savchuk A. International activity of Ivan Kuzych-Berezovsky. Scientific notes of the International Humanities University. Odessa, 2014. Vip. 21. Part II P.51-55.
Savchuk B., Didukh I. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of an individual in the context of the educational concept of Ukrainian scouting. Problems of modern pedagogical education. Series: Pedagogy and psychology. – Sat. articles. Yalta: RIO KSU, 2014. Issue. 46. Part YII. 2014. S.154-159.
Savchuk B., Paliychuk U. Soviet monument protection policy in Ukraine in the second half of 1940-1980: ideological deformations and cultural pragmatism. Questions of the history of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works of the Department of History of Ukraine of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Chernivtsi: Technodruk, 2014. Vol.17. Pp. 98-103.
Savchuk B., Paliychuk U. The problem of preservation of medieval castles and folk architecture in Prykarpattia. Scientific Achievements 2015. 2015. Vol. 2. Vienna (Austria). R. 197-201.
Savchuk B., Chopyk Y. The influence of reformist pedagogy on the development of theory and practice of teaching and education in Ukraine in the first third of the twentieth century: historiography of the problem. Anthropological studies. Pedagogy series. 2015. Vip. 31. S.260-270.
Savchuk B., Bilavych I. Educational and consultative activity of Ukrainian doctors on health of children and youth in Galicia (first third of the XX century). Anthropological studies. 2016. Vip. 3/35. Pp. 36-42.
Bilavych G., Savchuk B. Economic magic of the Carpathians as a component of family education. Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2016. №14. P.27-32.
Savchuk B., Shtykh O. Rhetorical training of future primary school teachers to work with students of the mountainous Carpathian region. Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2016. № 15. pp. 158–163.
Savchuk BP Ukrainian Citizens’ Committee as a representative of the social protection of Ukrainians (1918-1921) / G.V. Білавич, І.В. Білавич, Б.П. Savchuk // Scientific works of SWORLD. – 2017. – Issue 46. – Volume 5. – P. 50-55.
Savchuk V., Bilavych N., Foreign connections of Ukrainian public organizations of Subcarpathia (late ХІХ – early ХХ centuries). Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2018. №18. Pp. 18-22.
Bilavych G., Savchuk B., Ukrainian scientific broadcasting in the context of scientific activity of future teachers. Innovation in education. Collection of scientific works. 2017. Vip. 6. pp. 67-75.
Savchuk B., Rozman I. Origins and genesis of formation of Ukrainian pedagogical biography (IX century – the middle of the XIX century). Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: “Pedagogy. Social work”. 2018. Vip. 1 (42). Pp. 213-218.
Bilavych Н, Savchuk В. Foreign associations of Ukrainian public organizations of Subcarpathia (late ХІХ-early ХХ centuries). Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2018. №18. Pp. 10-15.
Savchuk B., Bilavych G., Valigunda O. The problem of professional training of future teachers for diagnostic support in the context of modern scientific discourse. Youth and the market. 2019. № 4 (171). Pp. 6-11.
Pantyuk M., Pantyuk T., Savchuk B. The phenomenon of pedagogical conflict in the modern scientific discourse. Fundamental And Applied Researches: Contemporary Scientifical and practical Solutions and Approaches. Interdisciplinary Prospects.Volume V. Banska Bystrica – Baku – Uzhhorod – Kherson: Posvit, 2019. R. 234-238.
Savchuk B., Bilavych G., Dushenko Y. Coaching as a philosophy and technology of professional pedagogical education development. Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2019. №21. P.82-87. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15330/msuc.2019.21.82-87
Bilavych G., Bilavych I., Pantyuk M., Savchuk B., Fedchyshyn N. Resort and recreational potential of the Carpathians as a factor in the health of children and adults (early twentieth century). Medical education. 2019. № 4. pp. 119–126. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2019.4.10870
Bilavych G., Savchuk B., Mukan N., Barabash O. Development of Christian morality of children in the Ukrainian preschool at the beginning of the XX century. Educational space of Ukraine. 2019. №19. Pp. 187-193
Savchuk B., Bilavych G., Vlasiy O. The problem of self-education of the future teacher of higher school in the reception of Ukrainian pedagogical thought. Youth and the market. 2019. №12. Pp. 56-60.
Bilavych N., Pantyuk T., Savchuk V., Holovchak N. Formation of the language culture of junior pupils in a dialectical environment: theoretical and practical aspects. Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2018. Issue 19. pp. 109–113.
Pantyuk M., Savchuk B., Rozman I. Development of pedagogical biobibliography in Ukraine: regional context. Current issues of the humanities. Drogobich. 2020. Vip. 28. T. 3. S. 169-175: http://www.aphn-journal.in.ua/28-3-2020
Savchuk B., Bilavich G. The phenomenon of coaching in foreign discourse. New pedagogical thought. 2020. №2. Pp. 7-11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37026/2520-6427-2020-102-2-7-11
Savchuk B., Uhrynchuk Y. Experience of professional tourism education in the USA and Switzerland in the reception of scientists and projections of its application in Ukraine. Innovation in education. 2020. Vip. 11. Volume 1. pp. 52-60: DOI: 10.35619 / iiu.v1i11.237.
Savchuk V. R., Hararko L. I., Fedchyshyn N. O. Content and thematic orientation of Ukrainian scientific studies on the development of foreign language education abroad. Medical education. 2020. №3. Pp. 69-73.
Savchuk, B., & Harapko, L. (2020). The phenomenon of foreign language education in the modern scientific discourse. Human Studies. Series of Pedagogy, 10/42, 11‒24. doi: https://doi.org/10.24919/2413-2039.10/42.198796
Savchuk B., Mishchuk D. University educational environment: methodological discourse in the context of compiling international rankings. Youth and the market. 2020. № 2. pp. 60–65.
Bilavych HV, Bahriy MA, Bilavych І.V., Savchuk BP, Fedchyshyn NO The Contribution of Doctors, Members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv to the Development of Ukrainian Education, Science and Literature (late XIX – early XX century .Medical Education. №2 (87). 2020. pp. 15-20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2020.2.11140.
Savchuk B., Vovchok Y., Bilavych H. STUDENTS ‘TRAINING TOWARD NOSTALGIC TOURISM ORGANIZATION (THE STUDY PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION EXPERIENCE) Tourism of the XXI century: Clobal challenges and civilization values: ІІ International scientific and practical conference: Kyiv, June 01, 2020 ). Kyiv: KNUTE. R. 703-712. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/k.knute.2020-06-01.98
Savchuk BP, Dushenko YV «University of the gifted child» as the educational environment of the coaching technology implementation. International periodic scientific journal. Modern engineering and innovative technologies. Karlsruhe, Germany. 2019. Issue №10. Part 3. P. 69-73.
Savchuk B., Kovalchuk V. Formation of emotional intelligence as basic training of the future specialist: problem statement. Youth and the market. 2020. № 5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4634.2020.223064.
Savchuk B., Shevchuk H. The concept of “ecological culture”, “ecology of culture”, “cultural ecology” through the prism of post-Soviet terminological discourse. Innovation in education. 2021. Vip. 13. Volume 1. pp. 50-61: DOI:
Savchuk V., Kotenko R. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FUTURE TOURISM MANAGERS. Youth and the market. 2020. No 6–7. C. 33-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4634.2020.225658
Savchuk B., Kovalchuk V. Formation of emotional intelligence to the competence of the future specialist: problem statement. Youth and the market. 2020. № 5. pp. 41–45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4634.2020.223064
SavchukB. P., Yehorova IV, Fedchyshyn NO Formation of emotional intelligence of the future education manager on the basis of coaching technology. Medical education. 2021. № 1. pp. 55-62 DOI: https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2020.2.11140.
Savchuk B., Kotenko R., Pantyuk M. Scientific and theoretical principles of cognitive flexibility as a basic competence of the future specialist of the XXI century. Current issues of the humanities. Vip 38, Volume 3, 2021. pp. 132-138.
Slyusarenko NV, Savchuk BP Conceptualization of pedagogical diagnostics – from Aristotle to Paul Blonsky. Pedagogical almanac. 2021. Vip. 48. pp. 220-227. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37915/pa.vi48.227.
Savchuk B., Rozman I. The concept of “pedagogical personalism” through the prism of scientific-definitive discourse. New pedagogical thought. 2021. № 1. pp. 3-7. DOI: 10.37026 / 2520-6427-2021-105-1-3-7.
Bilavych GV, Slyusarenko NV, Savchuk BP Preparation of students for life as a goal of Ukrainian professional education in Bukovyna (end of XIX – beginning of XX century). Pedagogical almanac. 2021. Vip. 47. S.181-189.
Bilavych, H.V., Fedchyshyn NO, Rozman II, Vysochan LM, Savchuk BP. Regional literature as a factor of future specialists ’reading culture development: personalistic aspect. SOCIAL SCIENCES & ARTS SGEM. 2019, 24 AUG-2 SEPT 2019. Bulgaria, In Press.
Educational and methodical activity:
A textbook has been prepared: Savchuk B., Dushenko Y. “University of a Gifted Child” as a coaching model for preparing future teachers to work in out-of-school education institutions. Tutorial. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2020. 160 p.
The results of scientific and experimental research are presented at numerous university, national and international conferences.
Management of scientific work Yu.V. Dushenko PO (sk) -11, which was awarded a diploma of the II degree of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty “Educational, pedagogical sciences”, held at Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko in 2020.
Scientific supervision of theses, advising candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
In-service internship: topic: “Pedagogical technologies for improving the dialogue training of masters”; term (number of ECTS hours / credits) internship – 13.09.2016 – 13.10.2016. 60 hours 2 ECTS credits; place: Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko, reference № 1649, 11/01/2016
Training (18 hours) according to the program of distance training “I do it so” on the organization of distance learning by means of G Suite for Education (Certificate № 202004/1185) Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Provides teaching of disciplines for students majoring in 011 “Educational, pedagogical sciences” of the second (master’s) level:
- Pedagogical control in the system of higher education (lectures, practical classes, 2nd year).
- Higher school pedagogy and pedagogical skills (lectures, practical classes, 1 course).
- Pedagogical conflictology in high school (lectures, practical classes, 1 course).
- Methodology of pedagogical research (lectures, seminars, 1 course).
For undergraduate students majoring in “social work”:
History of Ukrainian culture (lectures, seminars, 1 course).
Educational and methodological support for the organization of distance learning in these disciplines has been developed.
Organizational and educational activities:
Responsible for the activities of the cathedral methodological seminar.
Co-organizer of many international, all-Ukrainian scientific conferences and pedagogical readings.
Organizer of a number of “round tables” and debates on pedagogical control and pedagogical conflicts in the Free Economic Zone.
Under the guidance of prepared and defended: 1 doctoral and 10 candidate dissertations.
Member of the Specialized Academic Council D.20.051.05 at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Member of the editorial boards of professional journals (category “B”):
“Innovation in education” (Rivne Humanities University);
“New pedagogical thought” (Rivne regional institute of postgraduate pedagogical education);
“Halychyna” (SHEI “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”).
Email: boris_savchuk@ukr.net
Scientific social networks:
ORCID: org / 0000-0003-2256-0845
Researcher ID: https://publons.com/researcher/2903385/boris-savchuk/
Facebook: Boris Savchuk PNU