Yehorova Inha Vyacheslavovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management after Bohdan Stuparyk

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.


Personal informationPublicationsActivityContacts

Inha Yehorova was born in the city of Kolomyia.


She studied at Kolomyia Secondary School №2.

In 1988 she graduated Music department from Kolomyia Pedagogical College, specialty «Musical education» with the qualification «Teacher of music and singing, music educator» (diploma with honors KT № 807825).

In 1994 she graduated Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University specializing in «Music and methods of educational work»with the qualification «Teacher of music and methodologist» (diploma with honors КЛ № 900316).

The dissertation was performed at the Department of Singing and Choral Conducting of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov (Head of the Department – Academician A.T. Avdievsky, scientific supervisor – Professor A.G. Bolgarsky)

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

The thesis defended December 10, 2002 at Specialized Academic Council of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov, specialty «Theory and methods of teaching music and music education» (diploma ДК № 018756 from May 21, 2003).

The topic of the dissertation: «The formation of the national personal mind realization of the teenagers on the  music lessons in the secondary school (on the material of West Ukrainian compositors’ heritage  of the XIX-beginning  XX century)».

The main stages of pedagogical activity in higher education institutions:

After defending her doctoral thesis she worked in Kolomyia Pedagogical College named M.Pidhiryanky on the music department teacher of music and theoretical subjects.

– 01.09.2003-22.06.2004 – Assistant Professor of Department of General and Social Pedagogy Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (according to the order № 64-K of 02.09.2003);

– 22.06.2004-22.02.2005- Associate Professor of Department of General and Social Pedagogy Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (according to the order № 52-K from 30.06.2004.);

– 22.02.2005 – 28.08.2006 – Associate Professor of Pedagogics (under order number 46 of 2005 05.03. To rename the Department of General and Social Pedagogy to Department of  Pedagogics);

– from 28.08.2006 until now – Associate Professor of Department of Pedagogics behalf of Bogdan Stuparyk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (under order № 79 K from 06.09.2006 .).

In October 24, 2007 «The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine» has assigned to Inha Yehorova academic status Associate Professor of Pedagogics.

Inha Yehorova has scientific management diploma and master’s works on pedagogy, supervises student problem groups. Collaborating with organizations and institutions involved in the training and education of students.

Inha Yehorova is author of over 100 publications, including 40 scientific and 30 scientific and methodical characters.

Participant of the «Erasmus + project» «Improving teacher education for applied learning in the field of vocational education (ITE-VET, 2016-2018)». Partners: EU – Germany, Spain, Austria; Ukraine – KNEU, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Vasyl Stefanyk National University.




Lifelong education: foreign experience and national practice: monograph / General. ed. L. Prokopiv, V. Stynska / Author team: L. Prokopiv, V. Stynska, G. Bilavych, B. Savchuk, I. Yehorova, V. Kovalchuk, Yu. Moskalenko, O. Gevko, S. Dovbenko, L. Bandura, I Zavulichna, M. Oleksyuk, T. Paska, S. Yurchenko. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2022. 288 p. ISBN 978-617-8011-39-0

Yehorova I.V. Family forms of care in Ukraine: problems and prospects. Development of Ukrainian and Polish education and pedagogical thought (XIX-XXI centuries) Vol.4. Theory and practice of guardianship pedagogy in Ukraine and Poland (XIX-XXI centuries) / ed. D. Hertsyuk and I. Mishchyshyn. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University. 2014. S. 273-281.

Yehorova I. Musical art as a means of forming national self-consciousness in students in music lessons in a modern Ukrainian school (methodological aspect). Vzdelávanie a spoločnosť II / Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 2017: ISBN 978-80-555-1829-9. С.491-498 /

Strazhnikova I.V., Yehorova I.V., Matsola S., Matsola M., Tkach O. Teacher Education for VET in the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University under the Erasmus+ Project ITE-VET. Thomas Deissinger, Vera Braun (eds.) Improving teacher educationfor applied learning in thefield of VET . Waxmann 2018, Munster – New York, С.211- 231.; <>


Collection of tests from the course “Pedagogy”: educational and methodical manual / General editor. L. Prokopiv, V. Stynska / Author team: I. Yehorova, V. Kovalchuk, T. Paska, L. Prokopiv, N. Saliga, V. Stynska, I. Strazhnikova Ivano-Frankivsk, 2023. 230 p. ISBN 978-617-8011-66-6

Actual problems of the development of higher education: teaching-method. manual /author team: T.K. Zavhorodnia, Z.I Nagachevska, B.P. Savchuk, V.V. Ctynska, I.V. Strazhnikova, I.V. Yehorova, V.M. Kovalchuk, L.M. Prokopiv, Saliga N.M./ In general ed. V. Stynska, L. Prokopiv/. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2021. 430 c

Yehorova I.V. Methods of educational work: didactic materials for the course with methodical recommendations. Method manual. Ivano-Frankivsk: CIT of V. Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2007. 92p.

Yehorova I.V. Methodical recommendations for independent work of students of the course “Pedagogy”. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014. 48 p.

Yehorova I.V. Methodical recommendations for independent work of students from the course “Methods of social and educational work in modern conditions”. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014. 44 p.

Yehorova I.V. “Innovative technologies in the work of the curator of the academic group”. Guidelines. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018. 74 p.

Yehorova I.V. Practice of realization of pedagogical projects: educational-methodical manual to a course / author’s order. IV Egorov. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2021. 112 p.

Yehorova I.V. Monitoring and evaluation of the quality of education: a textbook for the course. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2021. 141p.

Yehorova I.V. Project management and fundraising in the field of education: a textbook for the course. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2021. 140p.


Salyga N., Maksymenko  N. Yehorova I. Using the capacities of museum pedagogy in shaping the cultural outlook of future teachers. Society and National Interests: Journal. 2024. No. 5 (5) 2024. 751 p.. P. 375-386.



Savchuk O., Yehorova I. Critical Thinking as a Pedagogical Category: A Comparative Aspect. Problems of education: collection of scientific works. Electronic publication of DNU “Institute for Modernization of Educational Content”. K., 2024. Issue 1(100). 348p. P. 317-328.



Yehorova I. ,Savchuk O., Salyga N.  Development of Critical Thinking of students in the educational process of a modern higher education institution. Current issues of the humanities: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of the Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University / [editors-compilers M. Pantyuk, A. Dushny, V. Ilnytskyi, I. Zymomrya]. Drohobych: Publishing house “Helvetica”, 2024. Issue 77. Vol. 1 320 p. P. 269-277.


Borys P. Savchuk , Inga V. Yehorova, Oksana V. Vintoniak, Ruslan M. Kotenko, Nadiya O. Fedchyshyn, Svitlana Yu. Nesterova, Halyna V. Bilavych  Еmotional intelligence as a factor in strengthening the students’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wiadomości Lekarskie Medical Advances, VOLUME LXXVI, ISSUE 6, JUNE 2023. P.1470-1478.  SCOPUS

DOI: 10.36740/WLek202306121

Plakhotnik, O., Strazhnikova, I., Yehorova, I., Semchuk, S., Tymchenko, A., Logvinova, Ya., &Kuchai, O. (2022). The Importance of Multimediafor Professional Training of Future Specialists. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Net work Security, 22(9), 43-50. DOI: WoS

Lyubov Prokopiv, Inha Yehorova, Maryana Dereniuk, Volodymyr Dosyn. The formation of emotional intelligence in future specialists of various fields of knowledge: a differentiated approach. Youth and the market: a monthly scientific and pedagogical journal. No. 3(211) March 2023. P.129-133.


Yehorova I.V. Tolerance as an important component of the personality of a teacher of higher education in modern conditions / Proceedings of the scientific and pedagogical internship, July 3- August 13, 2023. Riga, the Republic of Latvia. 96 p. P. 73-79.

Borys SAVCHUK, Mykola PANTYUK, Inha Yehorova Coach-position of a scientific and pedagogical employee of a higher education institution. Current issues of humanitarian sciences: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Ivan Franko Drogobytsk State Pedagogical University / [editors-compilers M. Pantyuk, A. Dushny, V Ilnytskyi, I. Zymomrya]. Drohobych: “Helvetika” Publishing House, 2023. Issue 60. Vol. 3, pp. 282-288.


Yehorova I.V. The practice of implementing pedagogical projects and fundraising in the field of higher education. Innovative pedagogy: Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation. 2021. No. 37. C.195-199.


Savchuk B. P., Yehorova I. V. “Educational monitoring” and “pedagogical control”: a definitive analysis of common and special. Pedagogical almanac. 2021. Issue 49. P. 216-223.


Savchuk B. P., Slyusarenko N. V., Yehorova I. V. The GROW coaching model: essential characteristics and possibilities of use in the educational process of higher education. Collection of scientific works “Pedagogical Almanac”. No. 51 (2022). P.57-63.


Yehorova I.V. The influence of youth subcultures on the formation of adolescent personality as a psychological and pedagogical problem Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi University: Zb.nauk.prats.Vyp.465. Pedagogy and psychology. Chernivtsi, 2009. S. 95-101.

Yehorova I.V. Psychological and pedagogical principles of memory development as an important component of educational activity. Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Pedagogy. 2011. Вип.XL.Ч.2.188с. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2011. P.163-165.

Yehorova I.V. Ways to improve the educational activities of university students in the process of their work with the text. Virtus. Issue # 13 , April, 2017, Publishedsince 2014 / CiteFactor (AcademicScientificJournals); ScientificIndexingServices; International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF); ( ISSN 2410-4388).  С.117-120.

Yehorova I.V. Family forms of care in Ukraine: problems and prospects. Development of Ukrainian and Polish education and pedagogical thought (XIX-XXI centuries). Vol.4. Theory and practice of guardianship pedagogy in Ukraine and Poland (XIX-XXI centuries): D. Hertsyuk and I. Mishchyshyn. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. P. 273-281.

Yehorova I.V. The problem of designing the educational process in higher education. Virtus. Issue # 8, October,2016, Publishedsince 2014 /Cite Factor (Academic Scientific Journals); Scientific Indexing Services; International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF).  С.65-68.

Strazhnikova I.V., Yehorova I.V.  Regional aspect of the problems of modern vocational education in Ukraine within the Erasmus + project. Virtus. Issue # 30, January, 2019, Publishedsince 2014 /GoogleScholar; DRJI; Academic Resource Index (ReserchBib); Cite Factor (AcademicScientificJournals); ScientificIndexingServices; InternationalInnovativeJournalImpactFactor (IIJIF). С.154-158.

Strazhnikova I.V., Yehorova I.V.  Basic principles of preparation for managerial activity of future managers of secondary education institutions of Ukraine as a direction of pedagogical historiography. Danish Scientific Journal. № 30. 2019. Vol.2. P. 22-25. (Denmark).

Strazhnikova Inna, Yehorova Inha. Theoretical fundamentals of the educational process regionalization in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Anthropological studies. Series “Pedagogy” / ed. count M. Chepil (editor-in-chief) and others. Drohobych: Editorial and Publishing Department of Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2020. Issue. 11/43. 132 c. Pp. 39-49 (DOI:

Savchuk B. P., Yehorova I. V., Fedchyshyn N. O. Formation of emotional intelligence of the future manager of education on the basis of coaching technology. Medical education: scientific-practical. magazine. / head. ed. NO Fedchishin. Ternopil: TNMU, 2021.  № 1. 144 p. P.55-62

Yehorova I.V. Monitoring the evaluation of the quality of education, its main tasks. Topical issues of the humanities: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko. Drohobych: Helvetica Publishing House, 2021. Issue 36. Volume 1. 318 p. S.282-286.


Responsible for student research work (preparation and holding of a student scientific conference; preparation for the all-Ukrainian competition of student research papers on pedagogy).

Member of the editorial board of collections of abstracts of All-Ukrainian (correspondence) scientific-practical conferences “Pedagogical innovations in the educational space of higher education”, Kyiv Cooperative Institute of Business and Law (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021).

Member of the editorial board of the “Information Bulletin” of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management named after Bohdan Stuparyk.

Provides teaching disciplines of specialty 011 “Educational, pedagogical sciences” for the second (master’s) level of education and other specialties of the university in accordance with the workload.

Head of the student scientific group “Problems of the theory of education in the study of socio-philosophical disciplines.”

Expert of the National Agency for Quality Assessment of Higher Education.

Organizational activities

Member of the jury of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defense of research works of students-members of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (section of art history) (2018).

Member of the professional subject commission for admission of entrants to the EQL “Master” specialty 011 “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences)”, at the Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk (2018 academic year).

 Member of the Appeals Commission for Admission of Applicants to the EQL “Master” specialty 011 “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences)”, at the Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk (2019 academic year).

Educational activities

Is an active participant in cooperation with student government, curator of the group OP “Educational, pedagogical sciences”.


  1. Participation in the project «Erasmus+». ITE-VET 2016-2018 Improving teacher education for applied learning in the field of vocational education574124-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Participation in seminars within the project:

  • 1st Seminar for teachers, Kyiv (Ukraine)29 May – 01 June 2017 (Certificate)
  • 2nd Seminar for Teaching Staff Lviv (Ukraine)10 – 12 October 2017 (Certificate)
  • 3rd Teacher Training Pedagogy in higher education Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) 6 – 10 November2017 (Certificate)
  • Seminar « Different models of vocational educational and issues of learning in teacher education»- Ivano-Frankivsk(Ukraine)29-30 May 2018 (Certificate)
  • Seminar « Learning about special vocational education» Lviv (Ukraine)12 – 13 June  2018 (Certificate)

2. Advanced training, internship:

From May 6 to June 6, 2019. Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University (Reference № 677 dated June 10, 2019, Department of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education).

International Conference “Pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods: international experience” (16-17.07.2021 – 15 год – м. Рига)(Certificate)


From July 3 to August 13, 2023.    ISMA University of Applied Sciences, (Riga, the Republic of Latvia)

«Traditional and innovative approaches to training teachers and psychologists in Ukrainian and European heis» ECTS credits 6 (180 hours)

Certificate  № PSI-030703-ISMA dated 13.08 2023

  • 05/07/2020 « Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects»

an online non-credit course authorized by McMaster University and University of California San Diego and offered through Coursera       (Certificate)

  • 07/07/2020 «Introduction to Classical Music»

an online non-credit course authorized by Yale University and offered through  Coursera  (Certificate)

4. Participation in the online seminar “5 steps of effective distance learning” on November 27, 2020. (Certificate ID: 202-2011-100302)

5. Participation in online training on the Prometheus platform “Expert on accreditation of educational programs”. Kyiv, January 11-12, 2021 (Certificate).


Yehorova Inha The role of innovative technologies in the educational process of a modern institution of higher education. Materials of the 6th All-Ukrainian (correspondence) scientific-practical conference “Pedagogical innovations in the educational space of a modern institution of higher education” (March 24, 2023): Collection of theses / For general. ed. d. econ. n., prof. Okhrimenka I.V. Kyiv: KKIBP, 2023. 161 p. P.115-118.

Scientific and practical Internet conference (with international participation) “Availability and continuity of education throughout life: foreign experience and national practice.” Ivano-Frankivsk May 17, 2022

International Conference “Pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods: international experience” (16-17.07.2021 – 15 год – Riga)

International scientific-practical conference “Modern education and science: problems, prospects, innovations” (Kyiv, January 27-29, 2021) (Certificate) – (DURATION 24 hours (0.8 ECTS credits)).

V All-Ukrainian (correspondence) scientific-practical conference “Pedagogical innovations in the educational space of a modern institution of higher education” (Kyiv, March 12, 2021) (Certificate)

 Fifth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Modern Psychodidactics: Philosophical, Psychological, Pedagogical Aspects” (Uman, May 21-22, 2021).

The Second International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Problems of Individual Giftedness” (Uman, May 20-21, 2021).

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Psychological and pedagogical aspects of Vasyl Stefanyk’s work (to the 150th anniversary of his birth)” (Ivano-Frankivsk, April 21-22, 2021) (Certificate) (10 hours)

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Content of Ukrainian education in the context of integration processes” (Drohobych, April 8-9, 2021); (Certificate)

All-Ukrainian pedagogical readings “Pedagogical education in Ukraine: traditions and modern challenges” (Ivano-Frankivsk, February 27-28, 2020) (Certificate).

All-Ukrainian (correspondence) scientific-practical conference “Pedagogical innovations in the educational space of higher education” Kyiv, March 20, 2020 (Certificate).

1 International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Potential of Modern Education and Science” (Kyiv, May 29, 2020) (Certificate).

 1 International Scientific and Practical Conference “Education and Science: Remembering the Past, Creating the Future” (Kyiv, September 23-25, 2020) (Certificate) (DURATION 24 hours (0.8 ECTS credits))

All-Ukrainian Internet Conference “Development of Higher Education in Ukraine: Challenges of the XXI Century” (Ivano-Frankivsk, March 7, 2019) (Certificate).

Of the All-Ukrainian (correspondence) scientific-practical conference “Pedagogical innovations in the educational space of a modern higher education institution” (Kyiv, March 22, 2019) (Certificate).

 Second All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Development of vital competence of the individual in terms of educational transformations: educational, psychological, inclusive dimensions” (Skadovsk, June 19-21, 2019).

II All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference dedicated to the 78th anniversary of the birth of Bohdan Mykhailovych Stuparyk “Pedagogical personalism: theory, history, educational practice” (Ivano-Frankivsk, March 5, 2018).

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Pedagogical innovations in the educational space of a modern higher education institution” (Kyiv, March 16, 2018) (Certificate).

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical online conference with international participation “New strategies for the development of primary education in the context of European integration” (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018).

I All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Development of life competence of the individual in terms of educational transformations: educational, psychological, inclusive dimensions” (Kherson, September 20-21, 2018).

Round table “Concept” New Ukrainian school “.



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